cover page, thumbnail images of best ~650 DSO sorted by name, list of best ~650 DSO sorted by constellation-magnitude, list of 7000 DSO sorted by name. I also provide some other lists (dark nebula, other nebula, hypervelocity stars, biggest objects.). Messier 108 is a galaxy nicknamed the ", The Whale Galaxy is pretty faint, but like, At magnitude 9.5, the Needle Galaxy is pretty faint and is not visible to the naked eye. Dawn. If you can put up with the added software and even steeper learning curve, perhaps a CCD at this stage would set you on the right track for your imaging goals well into the future. Then, this page is for you! The best telescopes for deep space will let you observe far-away galaxies, nebulas, star systems and more. If you were lucky enough to have many clear nights during December, January and February, your telescope has probably feasted on dozens of incredible and colorful objects throughout the Winter, like the Orion Nebula or the Pleiades. The bright Jupiter is known for its many moons, unstable surface, and mysterious Great Red Spot. NGC 4565 was discovered in 1785 by William Herschel and is located in the constellation Coma Berenices. List includes all Messier, Herschel, Caldwell, SAC's best of NGC, and ~150 additional DSOs. Thank you for your compliments. IC 4756 has an apparent magnitude of 4.6 and is visible at latitudes between 75N and 64S. Two supernovas were discovered in M106 since 1981. Deep Sky Objects,as listed on this page, refer to galaxies and nebulae (with their associated stars). However, a number of galaxies have nebulae located within them such as the Triangulum galaxy. This is a very easy one for beginners and one of the most photographed objects in the sky! If you have been following us on YouTube since the beginning, you know that it all started with us photographing M101 from the Nevada desert. Finding all of the "M" objects is a great introduction into . A quick initial white balance can be performed on the image using the Levels > Set Gray Point Eye Dropper. The other satellite, Messier 110, is more of a challenge because it has a low surface brightness. The main goal during processing is to bring out the yellow core, the bright blue color coming from the star clusters, and the red patches of Hydrogen Alpha indicating the star-forming regions within the arms. One of the biggest hindrances to seeing deep-sky objects like Messier's non-comets is the interference of a full moon, and there will . Yes, that adds up to 15. SAC 7.7 Deep sky database: Data courtesy of the Saguaro Astronomy Club, To print this guide Adobe Acrobat reader is required. But there is very little that I can find on line to guide me through these steps. It gets its glow from the massive Wolf-Rayet star WR7 which sits at the center of the Helmet shape. I tried photographing this galaxy again in 2017 using a cooled CMOS camera (ZWO ASI294MC Pro) instead of a DSLR. Description: IC 2581 is the open star cluster that is very similar to the previous member of our list, NGC 3114. Begin the night by setting up your equipment right after sunset and give the sky a good hour to darken before you start your observing or imaging. Some of the galaxy photos in this article (such as the Black-Eye Galaxy) were captured using a small 80mm refractor telescope from my backyard in the city. As we explain in our episode, M101 has a very low surface brightness, making it difficult to spot visually, but it looks fantastic in photographs! includes: This is the kind of galaxy you take a picture of and print it out for your girlfriend for Valentine's Day. Every year, I image the Orion Nebula in January or February. In case you are getting sick of galaxies, here is another nebula for your to photograph during the Spring season! Pierre Mchain was Charles Messier's friend and colleague. |And|Ant|Aps|Aql|Aqr|Ara|Ari|Aur|Boo|Cae|Cam|Cap|Car|Cas|Cen|Cep|Cet|Cha |Cir|CMa |CMi |Cnc |Col |Com |CrA |CrB |Crt |Cru |Crv |CVn |Cyg|Del |Dor |Dra |Equ |Eri |For |Gem |Gru |Her |Hor |Hya |Hyi |Ind |Lac |Leo |Lep |Lib |LMi |Lup |Lyn |Lyr |Men |Mic |Mon |Mus |Nor |Oct |Oph |Ori |Pav |Peg|Per |Phe |Pic |PsA |Psc |Pup |Pyx |Ret |Scl |Sco |Sct |Ser |Sex |Sge |Sgr |Tau |Tel |TrA |Tri |Tuc |UMa |UMi |Vel |Vir |Vol |Vul |, Com - Coma Berenices the Hair of Berenice, Swan Nebula; or Omega, Horseshoe, or Lobster Nebula. It lies about 16,000 light-years away from Earth five times more distant than M35. Stephen James O'Meara has prepared a visual feast for the observer. The big problem faced by non-professional observers is what to look at - what is visible at a particular time of year. On July 1, at 13:21 GMT, the Moon will get close to M44, or the Beehive cluster. Here you will find my entire collection ofastrophotography targets -galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters - thatI have worked on since the beginning of my astrophotography journey. A new noteworthy comet has been discovered! Constellation:Ursa Major. includes: Over from Orions Belt you will find one of the brightest reflection nebulas in the night sky, M78. The seven sisters are another great naked eye and binocular target that will reveal more and more stars as you move your way up to views through a telescope at low and medium magnifications. Thanks for the kind words, and let me know what you decide:). The Ring Nebula (M57) in Lyra is one of the best-known objects in the summer sky. The list is sorted by constellation and magnitude (sorting by name is also available). Here is a closer look at Bodes Galaxy captured using a Celestron EdgeHD 11 telescope with a focal length of about 2000mm (using a reducer lens). NGC 6752 is one of the few globular star clusters that can be seen with the naked eye (away from light-polluted big cities). Messier 97 is very small and dim, making it a challenging target for amateur astrophotographers. Note that the dates mentioned above are not the only days the DSOs can be seen: they usually are at the peak of visibility for around a month. M7 / NGC6475. This naked eye object can be enjoyed with no equipment whatsoever under a clear dark and steady sky. Thor's Helmet has a lot of faint outer gas that will only become visible if you have plenty of images to stack. A popular telescope choice for galaxy photography is an SCT, such as the Celestron EdgeHD 11, as it provides a large aperture (11) and high magnification views (2800mm). It also has several other galaxies around it, including the companion, The spiral arms of M106 are full of Hydrogen-Alpha, so if you are able to, make sure to add a couple of hours or more with a, Thor's Helmet is a more complex version of the, NGC 2359 spans about 30 light-years in diameter and is located not far from Sirius in the constellation of the great dog, Canis Major. Constellation:Coma Berenices. You can also try this handy image scale and field-of-view calculator to better plan your galaxy photo. We suggest keeping this object near the bottom of your list until you have captured several other Spring targets. Star clusters (like the Pleiades and Hyades), are also included. Much appreciated. I hope that this article has assisted and/or inspired your own astrophotography endeavors. The photo above was captured using my rarely used Orion 8 F/4 Newtonian. The seven sisters are another great naked eye and binocular target that will reveal more and more stars as you move your way Lets move back to the Constellation Orion and then move up until we come to the Constellation Taurus. Take one look at your favorite astronomy app, filter the object type by galaxy in the planetarium, and youll quickly see why amateur astronomers refer to the spring as galaxy season. March marks the end of the cold Winter months and the beginning of Spring! The lists are in french but they are quite self explanatory. You should be able to get a great final image of it as long as you have the patience to spend 6 or more hours capturing all these dim photons. You will also be happy to see a few tiny galaxies floating in the background of your image. So enjoy these 3 months of galaxy-hunting and try to better yourself at processing them! It's easy! This object can be a difficult one to see under light polluted skies but it is worth your time to try and hunt down due to it being one of the most famous supernova remnants in the night sky. Some targets are more prominent; some are smaller ones. No joy here all bad this spring so u keep them coming Hi . NGC 2359 spans about 30 light-years in diameter and is located not far from Sirius in the constellation of the great dog, Canis Major. You can also enter your specific camera and telescope information in the sensor view mode, to get a preview of the exact image scale you can expect with your system. View my complete astrophotography equipment details Processing your data might be a little bit difficult because of how bright the core of the Needle Galaxy is (similar to Messier 104) and how faint the outer arms are. It covers everything you need to know to capture stunning images of deep-sky objects with a DSLR or CCD camera: The fundamental concepts of imaging and their impact on the final image How to pick a telescope and camera How to get set up and take the images Where and . Also, it is one of the four globular clusters to host a planetary nebula. (the middle one) This should create a gray sky and the true color of the DSO. So grab your equipment, find some dark-sky spot, and shoot! Although it is an easy target to image with an unmodified DSLR camera, you will be able to get much more data if you either attach a DSLR Ha Clip-On filter to your camera or modify it for astrophotography. Fred_76 Although you will spend most of the season on galaxies, you will rejoice when Summer comes around with the core of the Milky Way rising up in the sky, full of wonderful nebulae to photograph. As we mentioned at the beginning of this post, it is with Messier 101 that we started Galactic Hunter! The Deep-Sky Observers Year is a month-by-month guide to the best objects to view. Astrobill, Trevor i forgot to ask if u used any filter for these gal? This is because M101 has several dwarf companions, including, The famous Leo Triplet group of galaxies consists of 2 Messier objects (, The Sunflower Galaxy is a great target for beginner astrophotographers if you are prepared to spend enough time on it to reveal the faint details in the arms. Whether you own a large SCT (Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope) or a small refractor, galaxy season is opportunity to focus on a new array of deep-sky objects that are well-deserving of your attention. Finally, use the free Stellarium planetary software if you don't know how to locate a target in the night sky (or use a GOTO equatorial mount by typing the target name/coordination there). Magnitude:10.42 This is one of the best subjects to try if youre using a telescope with a focal length of 1000mm or less, such as a small refractor. However, if you consider these factors, your job will be easier. Magnitude:9.8 Remember, darker skies, no Moonlight and larger telescopes will bring about better results for observing these distant objects. Articles on this site may contain affiliate links. Use a planetarium software like Stellarium to plan your projects. This list contains more than 25 galaxies (divided into 11 groups, and 4 nebulae. Medium-sized telescopes will provide a view of individual stars. Posted: March 01, 2023. 4. magnitude, number of stars, page in Uranometria 2000, comments, common name, etc. The Beehive Cluster, also known as Praesepe or Messier 44 (M44). list of hand-picked best ~650 DSOs sorted by name, List of best 650 DSO (const-name) (PDF, 120KB, 11 pages) In the southern latitudes, by the time this star cluster rises at its highest in the night sky, the waning gibbous Moon will be positioned near the horizon and wont interfere with observations. Triangulum galaxy (M33) 2. Nicknamed the ", The reason why it is popular is mainly that, just like Number VII above, it can be photographed with a neighbor! Larger optical instruments are better suited for this small, yet striking galaxy. You can see the larger galaxy eating the smaller one in a fiery spin. The Horsehead Nebula The Constellation Orion is home to our next two targets as well. Most of the images were taken from "NGC/IC project" site, and a few of them are from other sources (see copyright information). Each month's goals are listed alphabetically, not by difficulty. Here is my list of the best Deep Sky Objects for you to hunt down and observe or image during this time of year. Here is what we know about it so far. The Messier catalog, is the most famous listing of deep-sky objects. Created by Charles Messier, an 18th-century comet hunter, this catalog consists of 109 of the finest objects the sky has to offer. In about a week I will be taking a trip to a bortle 4, so I was trying to figure out what deep sky objects I might be able to see. I have photographed this galaxy many times over the years using several different camera and telescope combinations. The total exposure time compiled to achieve this result was 3 hours. This will allow your equipment to acclimate to the outdoor temperature while the sky gets nice and dark for your night out under the stars. On the right, you can see Hubble's version of M101, taken in 2009. This galaxy is in a prime location for visual or photographic observation in the spring. It is too thin and dim to be seen with the naked eye and is almost impossible to spot with binoculars. 1. go to Simbad :, 3. select Output format = ASCII (;-separator for spreadsheet), check file output, 4. on the second column, only check Identifier, Object type (verbose description), Coordinates 1 (ICRS J2000 2000 decimal), Fluxes/Magnitudes (only check V), Angular size, 7. enter the catalogue name (NGC, IC, ACO for Abell, APG for Arp, HCG for Hickson, M for Messier, SN for Supernova, SNR for Supernova remnants, PN for pPlanetary Nebula, LDN for Lynd's Dark Nebula, LBN for Lynd's Bright Nebula), 8. select "A whole catalogue" in the you can choose to query dropdown list, 9. click on Submit ID and wait a few seconds, 10. save the file somewhere on your hardisk and open it with Excel, You canaccessthe fullcatalogues' namesat this link :, Fred, your effort and time are very much appreciated. Best events 2023: comets, eclipses, planetary conjunctions, and more! In this article, youll find info on the peak dates and observing conditions. It is located 28 million light-years away and is about the same size as our Milky Way. Hi Trevor, Its estimated to be 12.5 billion years old. Or if I wanted to use a LPF, I would do the custom white balance with the LPF filter in place? Elevate Your iPhone with Our Private Collection of 33+ Premium Space Wallpapers! NGC 3628 (The Hamburger Galaxy) is more similar in distance (35 mly) and magnitude (10.2) to M65 than M66. M97 also lies in Ursa Major and is very close to another Messier object: M108. Designation:NGC 4631 Astronomers are weird people and they often name things according to their strange ideas. Stellarium view of my backyard filtered by galaxies. The Whale Galaxy is pretty faint, but like M97, it is a popular target for amateur astrophotographers because it also has a neighbor nearby, the Hockey Stick Galaxy (NGC 4654/4657). September 17, 2013 in Observing - Deep Sky. For these targets, a focal length anywhere between 50-500mm or so can be used, depending on the target. M106 is officially a galaxy that is between "normal" and "barred spiral". Updated: 8:58 AM EST Mar 2, 2023. It is bright enough to be spotted with the naked eye (if the sky is not light-polluted). There is no need to explain why this beauty is named after a flower. Madhup Rathi M38: The Starfish Cluster in Auriga. Observing it through a telescope will give you a similar view as if you were looking at the, A good reason to photograph NGC 4565 is its two satellite galaxies, so challenge yourself to have all 3 visible in your final image! This is because M101 has several dwarf companions, including NGC 5474 (visible on our image on the top right of the frame) pulling on M101's arms with gravitational forces. It is probably the best example of what happens when two galaxies collide. . Most named stars, if not surrounded by nebulae, are described in the "Special stars" section ofthe IAU Constellation page. Observe the scene via binoculars a few hours before sunrise. list of 7000 objects sorted by magnitude. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. My favorite objects are bolded on the list, so check them out if you want to find the best ones. Thanks, Kenneth. As you can see on the image above from the Hubble Space Telescope, the Whale Galaxy is full of details! Objects selected for this list: all Messier, Herschel, Caldwell, "SAC's best of NGC" and ~150 additional DSO objects selected by author. For Ha images you will only pull out the red channel to use in your RGB-Ha composite. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Your email address will not be published. Free shipping for many products! This is one of the many amazing feelings experienced by backyard amateur astronomers and photographers alike. Just completed watching your tutorial on the California Nebula, and it is really good. All three galaxies are known to have been interacting with each other in the past. I use auto white-balance while shooting RGB with the DSLR. Thats right, you can still photograph galaxies with your DLSR camera and compact refractor, but most targets will appear quite small at focal lengths of 400-800mm. This target means a lot to us and you can check out the video below if you'd like to see how we captured it with our old unmodified Canon T3i DSLR camera! Constellation:Coma Berenices. They are located near the center of the group and you should aim to frame your shot according to these two interacting worlds. The Whale Galaxy and Hockey Stick Galaxy. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. The cluster (magnitude 3.1) will be shining near the waning crescent Moon (magnitude -11.06). These are clusters . Deep Sky Objects . Now you know what deep-sky objects are best visible in February. Copyright 2017-2022 Pawe Biaecki. I was anxious to try something and hadnt yet figured out I should perhaps do something with White Balance. I have learned the hard way, which is why I wrote this guide - to help beginners find fantastic astrophotography targets easier and quicker. All of them are available for free! For observation planning there is a list sorted by constellation and magnitude. It is a really faint target with a magnitude of 11.45, but surprisingly, its colors really pop even with an unmodified DSLR camera, so give it a try if you are up for a challenge! However, this does not take away from the dynamic presence of this must-shoot deep-sky object. Find out what noteworthy deep-sky objects are well-placed for observations this February! List of 7000 deep sky objects under magnitude 14 (which, under dark skies, are in reach of a moderate telescope). Sign up for a new account in our community. Description: M81 is a large and bright spiral galaxy that is also known as the grand design spiral galaxy. First discovered by Johann Elert Bode in 1774, M81 is sometimes referred to as Bodes Galaxy. Even though March is considered the best month for bagging all the Messier objects, some are more easily found in different seasons. By Messier 104 may look very small in photographs compared to some of the other famous Messier objects, but it has the largest supermassive black hole ever recorded in any nearby galaxy! I'll tell you my top 3 winter deep sky objects further down this post. Description: NGC 2808 is one of the Milky Ways most massive globular star clusters it contains millions of stars. I am right in the middle of testing a new CCD camera, and just tonight got some decent results. In the astrophotography realm, Galaxy Season refers to the period in Spring when the night sky offers up a buffet of incredible galaxies to observe and photograph. Do you like my astrophotography targets by month list? It also helps if your camera is modified for Astrophotography, but the filter should be enough for this specific target as it is pretty bright already! By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use. Since this photo was taken in 2014, I have captured this pair independently from one another (using a larger telescope) with remarkable results. The Spring season is also home to the deep sky object chosen for the first episode of Galactic Hunter: We have not had the chance to photograph Markarian's Chain yet. What's in the Sky this Month | March 2023 | High Point Scientific. Caldwell (star clusters, nebulae, galaxies); How to observe: You cant see NGC 2808 with the naked eye; its only visible through binoculars or a small telescope. While the best views of these objects beyond our Solar System will be with a telescope, most can also be spotted with a pair of binoculars and a few with even just the naked eye. Thanks, Rex. *We're working on imaging the Needle Galaxy and will upload our result once we capture it! You can see a picture of the Eyes on the left, so you can understand why this beautiful pair of galaxies is called "The Eyes". The night sky is BIG, and the field of view of a telescope is usually tiny. Most named stars, if not surrounded by nebulae, are described in the "Special stars" section of the IAU Constellation page. It all comes down to what you can see yourself enjoying the most down the road. This region of space is a great view through binoculars and low magnification eyepieces in your telescope and its star density showed up well in astrophotography. Equipment: Nikkor 135mm, ASI1600MM, Optolong RGB filters. What targets would you add to this list? Stellarium also provides fascinating details about each of the galaxies you find, and key details such as their size, magnitude, and apparent altitude from your location. This small group of galaxies lies approximately 35 million light-years from Earth. Description: IC 2581 is the open star cluster that is very similar to the previous member of our list, NGC 3114. With faint hints of the Rosette Nebula showing up, this image shows off these two clusters but I didnt quite have enough exposure time to pick up the famous red from this nebula. I couldnt include every galaxy in this list of targets for galaxy season, but here are two subjects worth checking out. This website uses cookies; you agree to cookies by using them. List of best 650 DSO (const-mag) (PDF, 120KB, 11 pages) As always a great job Trevor.Very well documented and Pictures are fantastic. It gets its glow from the massive Wolf-Rayet star, You can bookmark this page along with our guides for, 15 best astrophotography targets for Summer, 15 best astrophotography targets for FALL, 15 best astrophotography targets for WINTER. list of 7000 objects sorted by magnitude. The Rosette Nebula is mostly made up of Hydrogen Alpha gas, which naturally appears red in photographs. Some are more beginner-friendly, and some are challenging for even an advanced Astro-imager. The Black Eye galaxy still deserves to be on this list of the easiest targets for beginner astrophotographers, just make sure you spend enough time on it and preferably from a dark location. Stunning image and a great walk through using DSS and Photoshop. You can read more about this in our Top 15 targets for Summer post. After that, the link to the wallpapers download will be sent to you automatically. Even without imaging equipment, the beauty and complexity of this region of space is enjoyable to see with just the naked eye and a pair of binoculars. Now you know what deep-sky objects are best visible in February. If you manage to see one of them in the sky, dont hesitate to share your observation experience with us on social media. Our favorite members of the chain are Markarian's Eyes, staring at you from a distance of 52 million light years. It has a slightly distorted edge, making it look like a whale. This is particularly evident for observers in the northern hemisphere during early spring. This is a stretch of galaxies located in the constellation Virgo and forms part of the Virgo Cluster. Also, share this article with your friends via messengers or social media, and enjoy stargazing together! Move back up to Orions belt and you will come across the famous horsehead nebula which is a difficult target to see visually but one I love to image every year. You can find our list of the best targets of the other three seasons below: SUMMER - 15 best astrophotography targets for Summer, FALL - 15 best astrophotography targets for FALL, WINTER - 15 best astrophotography targets for WINTER. Photographically, the core of the Pinwheel Galaxy is evident even in short exposures. Pingback: The Night Sky | February 2022 | Winter Constellations | Comet Borrelly | Snow Moon | Late Night Astronomy, Pingback: The Night Sky | March 2022 | How to find the James Webb Space Telescope | Moon, Venus, Mars & Saturn | Late Night Astronomy, Your email address will not be published. Its here where you will find the open star cluster Hyades. The Rosette Nebula can be found in Monoceros, and the cluster of stars can be spotted with binoculars quite easily. Running Man Nebula (NGC 1977 / Sh2-279) Starfish Cluster (M38 / NGC 1912) Tadpole Nebula (NGC 1893 / IC 410) Witch Head Nebula (IC 2118) February Angel Nebula (NGC 2170) We've also included a list of the best astro holidays and dark-sky sights from which to explore the southern hemisphere sky. It is home to more than 400 billion stars! Orion Nebula is one of the easiest dep space object that you can see and o. Sometimes also called "The Skull", the Rosette Nebula is an impressive object that can be photographed in both Winter and early Spring. This book discusses the objects in the night sky tonight are large enough, bright enough, and high enough to be photographed for each month of the year. The interacting galaxy (NGC 5195) can be distinguished by keen observers. While these nebulas will be difficult to see through your telescope the two clusters within them are an enjoyable part of space to explore with a pair of binoculars or a telescope. The Sleeping Beauty Galaxy. New to astrophotography? The Night Sky | January 2022 | Quadrantid Meteor Shower | Mercury Rises, The Night Sky | February 2022 | Winter Constellations | Comet Borrelly | Snow Moon | Late Night Astronomy, The Night Sky | March 2022 | How to find the James Webb Space Telescope | Moon, Venus, Mars & Saturn | Late Night Astronomy, Follow Late Night Astronomy on See The Astrophotographer's Guidebook for a complete physical guide of all the best targets of the year! The Needle Galaxy is located just 3 degrees away from the North Galactic Pole. iPhone User? Brightest star clusters in July July 1: The Sagittarius Cluster (M22) July 2: The Tweedledee Cluster (IC 4756) July 10: The Great Peacock Globular (NGC 6752) July 17: The Summer Rose Star (M55) Deep-sky objects and the Moon July 1: the Moon meets the Beehive Cluster July 23: the Moon meets the Pleiades Brightest star clusters in July The answer is that our own galaxy blocks our view of many galaxies in the night-sky, so we can see the most galaxies when we see the least of our own. The bright Jupiter is known for its many moons, unstable surface, and mysterious Great Red Spot. Astro Photons Pawe Biaecki, os. Designation: M81, M82 The app will show you detailed information about it. . The cluster is best observed from the Southern Hemisphere; stargazers located north of 10N will not be able to see it. If you don't see a popular object listed below, don't worry! Messier 63 is a spiral galaxy in the faint constellation of Canes Venatici, 37 million light-years away. Yes its bitterly cold for many of us, but the nights start early and last long throughout these months. The following seasonal guide to a variety of nebulae consists of excerpts from the book. Unlike Messier 104, the Rosette Nebula is much larger, it also contains its own cluster of stars, NGC 2244, in its center. NGC 891 galaxy 3. You might see a blurry patch of gas if observing the nebula with a small telescope, but you would need to be under a really dark sky. It takes a region of about 30' in the sky, which is a bit larger than the size of the Full Moon. As for Astrophotography, a DSLR camera will have no problem gathering the light from the core and the arms of the galaxy, but you should spend at least two or three hours on it. Welcome to our guide about the 15 best and easiest deep sky objects to image during the Spring season! How to observe: Similar to the previous member of the list, IC 2581 can be seen with the naked eye under the clear skies with sharp eyesight. On July 23, at 03:29 GMT, the Moon will pass the Pleiades at a distance of 3.7 while visiting the constellation Taurus. Well, the Markarian's Chain will fill you up right away! Photographing the Leo Triplet is not difficult. It takes a region of about 30' in the sky, which is a bit larger than the size of the Full Moon. Welcome to our guide about the 15 best and easiest deep sky objects to image during the Spring season! 3. Astronomers refer to the Leo Tripletas the M66 Group. Designation:NGC 4565 This target is actually too large for our current set up (, Our photo below was taken with an unmodified Canon DSLR camera and our, The Rosette Nebula is mostly made up of Hydrogen Alpha gas, which naturally appears red in photographs. If you are using a telescope or lens with a focal length of 800mm or less, expect most of the galaxies on this list to appear very small.
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