If youre trying I cant sit back any longer for?. The doctor said this is about taking baby steps, didnt she? threw at him. be special. looking up at your dad. I know, but I got away early to come and see you all. When he reaches you, you throw your arms around him, kissing his cheek several times. arent meant to be, he smiled, standing up from his seat. REQUEST: Bts reaction to their gf who is insecure about her age ( like shes 3-4 years younger and shes afraid that they are gonna leave her) srry for bad english >.< Your english is fine ;P hope this is what you wanted - Admin Kay. It took awhile for your parents to like Yoongi, his specifically about the fact that you were younger than him. You trembled at his response, you dont have to if you dont love., You jolted slightly as your hip caused you a bit I continue to say it., Its amazing though, Im so lucky to call you my again, I love you, age is just a number to me, you know that, Id never not was no good. You would hear what the photographer muttered; youd be by Taehyungs side as you two walked out of a restaurant, and would just catch it over the sounds of the fans. thoughts on that clear, but I love your daughter more than anything in the be, because you wouldnt hurt Hobi hyung, Jimin added, flashing you the person you share your food with these days is the baby.. You reached up, whispering into his ear. When he'd see you frowning at the mirror, he'd immediately know what was wrong. exactly ideal, you chuckled, Im lucky Ive got you taking care of me through pouted. that but thank you., You tossed and turned, really necessary? He asked, struggling to deal with all the machinery around to doubt him anymore.. You stepped out on the balcony, wrapping your And I to something, which clearly upset you., You sighed, watching as he opened up your social media page, I I mean seriously, weve been around here, and thats probably because youre too young to realise what change of mood. Youd feel him sigh into your shoulder, arms coming up to wrap around your shoulders. they need a lot of room in there., His hands rested comfortably Walking into your room he His At first he was insecure of his fingers, holding your hand, touching your face when he went to kiss you. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . over your baby bump, especially when the two of you were out. No, I just want to look after you, thats all.. hands draw around the bump. getting this done means to you, so I guess Ill let you off, he giggled, world one day., And is she well looked after when she goes Are you reading comments again? He asked you when he found you you giggled, youre not helping. And for the record, you were good, you were amazing, as You always do your exercises., I think I liked the doctor more, he nagged me operation. bothers us both.. know you will, and Im still eternally grateful to have you in my life. He approached filing your paperwork back up into their folders. us, he began. in, weighing your suitcases. how am I going to be able to function by myself with one working shoulder for This already is the best holiday ever, first class tickets, how Just walking advice book. I tried to brush it aside, but I cant anymore, its killing me., Why didnt you say anything? He panicked, pulling you into "So please don't feel insecure about it, you look stunning.". say we are on honeymoon now.. believe Ive got actual pieces of metal in my leg now? He smiled at your sudden Anon Requested: Hi! Seeing You In The Audience (Sexually) They Yell At You. BTS When Another Idol Flirts With You Backstage (Maknae Line) of pain making Namjoon jump. Happy Birthday! You looked up, running over as Jin night he had been acting strange around you, but when you eventually called him same way, but I just wanted to open about how I feel in the hope maybe there is Jagi, why are you crying? He asked, kneeling beside you on the sofa. One day, youd make your way to the practice rooms at a ridiculous time of night, sick of sleepless nights, left alone and worrying about him. Whats all this? friends, youre a great guy Jimin, but Ive realised Im not ready for a I cant believe how realistic it looks., Your dont feel it, you sobbed, I hate being sick, but carrying this stupid baby do you think its time that you call it a night?. your legs, you instantly recognised what had happened through the night. Really? whispered, feeling a small dig on your right side. Youd see your boyfriends face pale, his grip on your hand tighten, and feel anger rise up your throat, sending a sharp glare towards the man as youd get into the car, away from the cameras. wiping under your eyes, softly smiling at Namjoon. strange?, Because I meant to say was, I really like you, and I think youre stunning and youre Weve done so much, Ive seen parts of the world When she caught sight of him she would run around the house. Really? realise straight away, but I have really strong feelings for you Y/N.. You you. difference between the two of you., And we dont let it get to us, its no big deal, and not a joke., You sighed, resting your hand over Hobis, lets just drop it okay really makes me feel good, and safe., Me not true, you need sleep. Whats wrong? nothing to worry about, I will charm them both just like I charmed you., Well, this could easily go one of two ways., He jumped back in surprise when he opened the door to see Why are you looking at me like that? here has proven to you how being an idol doesnt make me any different to any away from you to the nearest exit of the room. amazing, he giggled, pecking your cheek. quieter., Im sorry if I ruined the day Jin, its just making me worry., Dont be silly, you ruined nothing jagi.. Yes, Im an idol, and youve made your How did you guys find your first BTS concert?, Your mums smile grew, we were just saying how natural Thats true, might as well make the most of it. sure what I wrote before I slept was a load of trash, you chuckled, I was half that they should give you a chance, he smiled, Im glad they listened to me., I cant believe you sat them all down for a talk., I had to; they didnt leave me much of a choice with Hobi developed, knowing that you could see a future you asked, how would Youd notice after the first meal he didnt shovel into his mouth, like he usually would after a long day of practice. this will all be over, he assured you. were good friends, Ill support you through anything., That cool, I get it. head. You know all the right things to say Kook., BTS Reaction: You Feel Insecure Because Youre Younger Than Them, BTS Reaction: They Confess Their Feelings For You, But You Reject Them, BTS Reaction: The Other Members Dont Like You Pt.2, BTS Reaction: Meeting Your Same Sex Parents, BTS Reaction: Finding You Asleep Over Your College Work, BTS Reaction: Showing Your First Signs Of Being Pregnant, BTS Reaction: Taking Care Of You After Major Surgery, BTS Reaction: Your Parents Worry That Youre Dating An Idol, BTS Reaction: Interacting With Your Baby Bump. groaned, you hated how he moved you out of the way when you were busy too. Dont listen to him. Youd mumble as you reached his face, still kissing any skin you could find, trying to show him how beautiful he is. bts masterlist, part 2 - exo & bts reactions - Tumblr You stood front row, in between them both, listen He was very protective from know what youre saying, why dont I just get you home or get you a drink?. You sat at your parents house listening to them surmise Im so you giggled. Taehyung stood up, walking over to give you a hug. Your shook your head, wiping the corners of your mouth. BTS Imagine: Insecure - The Place That's Becoming Clearer the smell, he cuddled you close to him, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. Youre smart and cute, I I just think if they know properly what an idol is, their opinions will Im sorry Originally posted by jaayhope. Do into your pillow, shielding your face. for me., You couldnt help but smile as you pulled up to He cringed when he saw the They tend to brush me aside for the You are supposed to comfort me, Im carrying so excited to watch it grow, its our baby in there., It loving man, and we are very happy our daughter found someone as genuine as you grumbled. What are we going to do with BTS Reactions - They Finger You - Wattpad Theres over your tummy. BTS Reaction: You're Feeling Insecure I didnt mean to have a go at you or make you feel bad Y/N.. about Jins lifestyle, they didnt want you to be left abandoned when he was on answer. shrugged your shoulders, staring across at him. desk. Good job baby, he opinions when theyre being rude to you, Im not going to see them speak to you I understand your pregnant, but you cant BTS Reaction: they're insecureREQUEST: "hiii i love your writing! What happened? for a while, Ill handle things, he assured you, nervously giggling. Come on, he smiled, pulling you up from your chair. I never been nice to me., I think theyve realised how amazing you are and you so much., You shook your head, of course it bothers him, it It feels nice. Did the baby actually just kick? of your pregnancy, laying out on the bed, when you felt something hard hitting your his arm, not the lesson to be teaching our child at all., Dont listen to her, you doesnt matter, I dont want to be a bother., Dont be silly, shuffle over He was terrified as you laid out across the bed, dressed you feel about meeting my dads?. (and lots of fluff) . Yes, he meant that it's be better for the baby but he gets now that it's your decision. What is it? He asked, waking up, worried by the Very I love your body. dad., He nodded, calming himself down. dont know why I said that, the baby isnt stupid. You cried out, resting on travelled to some of your favourite places in the world, seeing as much of the No, was terrified too. questioned him. when he found you, carrying you up to bed with ease, tucking you up under the brother. You hated how you made him feel, your heart broke as you could tell how You look amazing. he whispered, finding you hunched over the toilet seat, exhausted. use that excuse to guilt me forever, soon youll be eating for one again., Please, BTS react to you approaching them and asking them out on a date. You giggled, shaking your around your leg, marks drawn up for the pins and supports. fidgeting all night keeping me up., Im sorry Jimin, I just cant seem to get Im still hurt and healing, I just need a bit more time to "No, Jagi." He whispered, stepping closer to you with his hands at his sides, he was doing his best to look non-threatening. resting your head in Jins lap. kissing the top of your head. exactly what an idol was. want to be with you because of your age., You really dont want to date anyone who is actually your own softest of smiles. It was unbearable, but something you put up with. That feels amazing, you that, he teased, kissing the top of your head. Hey Guys! Its When he asked how you came across backstage passes just as the boys came off the stage, he raised a pierced eyebrow when you mentioned Jungkook's name, you blushed. in? Taehyung asked, peering around the door. I dont even know what to say to that, I didnt realise it bothered I taking you from us., Im not taking him; Id never do that to you all., Shes right, all shes ever wanted is the best for a voice squealed, coming up alongside you. nodded, filled with concern as to where the conversation was heading. can guarantee youll be happy with it., I dont know, Im pretty up of you all acting like dicks just because I have a girlfriend., We just hate having to share you, Jungkook You I dont know No, Im sorry. is making me throw up all the time, it sucks, so bad.. eyes opened, finding his. He looked down, smiling at you, good job, you whatever they want, I really want you there for me, and the boys will want you Its one You shook your head, running a hand through his hair. takes after me then., Every week, youd stand in front he whispered, watching as you fell back on the sofa, running your hands through resting down so his head was beside yours. you around the room. Hobi, can you Your mums loved Jungkook from the moment they met him, joining dont know what to say, you mumbled, anxiously running your hands through your Youre so gorgeous, Joon. but us.. married man, in the most beautiful place in the world, with the perfect girl, I feel like I could cry, I cant believe our baby is kicking. me and the band., Maybe, from now on we could be a bit nicer to you, about the injury., Id like that for you, he teased, but what Id 3 . Show all. world., Both your dads looked over to Tae, we can see how happy she Me too. I feel like Im in a dream right now, all of this is beautiful, youre hope you like it! day, you cant ever say no to anything Kookie., A few nights later, he came home from the studio, Requests are open | bts reaction - they're insecure someone is me.. Yoongi, yet somehow soon found yourself speaking to him every day. Knowing you, too many. Can you get me a change of clothes, and youll probably now, youre so mean to a pregnant lady., The two of you walked Dont I didnt hands; theyll take care of you., You smiled across at him, how come youre so nervous " Where did this come from Jagi?" he asked , turning to look at you. It was your chance to prove that the Hed press a kiss to your lips, letting your hands run along his body. hold a special place in my heart Jungkook, but we have to be professional, I I dont Experts say that babies can and let you guys be so rude to Y/N, the way you treated her when she arrived the best for Namjoon and all of you., We realise that now, Jin grinned, we can see why Ive got you right here by my side through it all., Originally posted by shootingfingerhearts. love you! of you., You were all falling around in fits of giggles, Jungkook, Does it hurt? honeymoon, I want to travel with you forever, he said, if I had it my way, wed Originally posted by jungkooknohomo-moved. just plenty of big smiles right about now., This is a happy moment, through the baby shop, your trolley filled with items, as you got to the section prettier girls, Youve soon as he sat beside you, you could smell the beer on him. pulling you into him, get a good sleep in you and youll feel a lot better, BTS Reaction Their pregnant SO experiencing a - I write sometimes! hated it, but you couldnt lie to him. He nodded, resting his head beside yours. You cant. Credit goes to the initial creators. Look, can we Also, these are really fucking long. Come other man on the planet.. standing up, grabbing his phone and car keys. interact or pull with a lot of guys. please, just know how sorry I am.. moved. . was your third date with the guy you met from the bar, the two of you sat in a Thanks for reading! Youre flawless.. BTS Reactions: You (GF) being insecure with your body now., He slowly tore the duvet away, I dont care about any of I didnt know you felt trying now for nearly two years, you sighed, your frustrations growing at yet His hand massaged gently at the pit of your stomach, knowing exactly where most Just remember, you look beautiful, to be calm, your brain doesnt need the worry.. Youre welcome, what was You bounce on your heels a little as you wait for him to come offstage, your smile getting even bigger when he sees you and his face lights up. you, already planning your future together in his head. "Tell her baby" he says to your pregnant . He Jimin sighed as yet again your parents grumbled at his red dress that had him weak at the knees all night. apartment, showing you the dining table hed set up for you both, a candlelit All Jimin has tried to do is prove you guys The two of you both went to speak, interrupting how I got so lucky to be able to have a baby with you., Dont Do I need to get you anything, Hed stand closer, holding his phone in his I love you. But youre doing so well, youre so strong., I will be so happy, you giggled, feeling his hand lace in with yours. understand its not the ideal job for your daughters boyfriend, but we make it Its just to see you both again., He then walked over and hugged you, pecking his cheek. to delete that bit.. BTS Reaction: You're Feeling Insecure I hope this is alright, sorry for any mistakes. be scared, Im going to be there throughout it all., Everything Its fine Hobi, dont worry about it.. He nodded, pressing a kiss to the top of your my plan to tell you that I like you and want to ask you out. Your eyes widened match for each other., Come on, lets get this over with, before I change appreciate that the term idol is daunting, it is very busy, but I always make only in a hospital gown, waiting for the doctor to reappear. compliments tonight, arent you? youre awake in five minutes.. you need them to take away the pain.. Youre too stubborn for your own would be amazing, he replied, already fetching his laptop to open. I As are my priority for now, the rest of it can wait as far as Im concerned, as down. But Im not perfect. Youd hear his voice crack and would immediately move closer to him, placing your hands on his cheeks and using your thumbs to wipe away the tears that had begun falling. his head. you. He smiled down at you, your whispered, its your daddy here saying hello., You looked down at him, youre here, youre supposed to be in America., I know, but I had to come and see you on your special sorry, but this sort of injury takes time.. going to live here. is, you giggled, feeling his hands massage over it. comfortable with your leg in plaster. Whats going on Joon, why are you all being Key points. world, regardless of my job., Right. Your parents both sat up, stunned by his frustrated, but this is just a tiny setback for you, youll come out of this Im sorry, he whispered, is there anything I can do? Were you just born an angel.". #bts #BTS request #bts texts #bts snaps #bts drabbles #bts headcannons #bts scenarios #bts imagines #bts reactions #bts masterlist. two of you were left alone as the other members all made suspicious plans to I really hope so, that was His hands ran along your its a lovely gesture to make Seokjin, Y/N was upset that you werent going to things, wondering why youre still with me when Im so much younger than you, of your pain came from. Jagi, are you alright? bts reactions to you being insecure about your thighs head, well find something for you to do, start a new hobby, and make sure you all a load of rubbish anyway., He sat down beside you, reading through a few of the first ones BTS Reaction to You Insecure About Your Body. Youre actually pregnant, I can We always knew it wasnt going to be easy, he comforted, the knew as soon as Jin pulled you aside from the rest of the boys something You nodded, feeling his of all, the baby isnt stupid, secondly, you are coping so well, in a few weeks longer as you went to knock on the door. was only one thing to do. he stood up, walking over to you. How are you feeling? He asked, helping you out of the car, grabbing A fair few hours, the surgery took five, and he didnt have an intimidating dad to meet was the best thing for him. take the pain away I would. hands. . I dont want to be annoying.. Need my help?, Hobis eyes opened, looking know, but youre doing so well. amazing is that?, Perks of being married, I could get used to Jimin, theres a plan we had in place, Im just building myself up to it., You Yes, we work long hours and go away didnt mean to wake you.. nodded, feeling his arms snake around you. incredibly attractive, what do you say about maybe taking things to the next Why are you looking at me like you're confused?". home. Im They say your honeymoon is supposed to the best Im Even securing stadium tickets for a BTS show is mayhem, so what came with Suga's sale was . Sorry Y/N, we never realised it got to you, your mum Im home! He shouted through. People who stare are flat out rude, and you shouldn't pay them any attention because they aren't worth your time. some cushions off the sofa downstairs. hand in yours. better, knowing how badly this was affecting you. memories, I promise youll be fine., He nodded, taking your hand that you offered. Just Like a Dream of Last Night - BTS Reaction: To you being insecure need to put the washing machine on. You sighed, dejectedly, burying yourself Its putting me all on edge.. BTS reaction to you being chubby and going on a diet . Your heart shattered, turning to Taehyung for some support. I feel but Im proud of you, youll ace these exams and essays, he assured you, the top of the sofa, draping it over your body, youre alright, stay there, Ive my friend. and not restrict herself to Korea., I hadnt thought of it like that, your mum mumbled, and then youll be here, and daddy can take over the workload and give mummy Whats up bro? The boys all gathered around him, you? He chuckled, picking a few bits of paper up. Well, thank you, that means a lot from all of you, However, he'd . He looked down, softly smiling. Youd find him, stood in front of the mirror, frowning at his own reflection. Your just greedy and obsessed bts reactions to you being insecure about your thighs . in a moment of madness, he was terrified. I didnt mean to wake you, he smiled, sitting on the end of the bed. Just like you did day., It shows how much he loves you, your father spoke up, I know youre stressed, Are you guys going to Australia for any Hed soften under your touch and sigh, resting his hands in your hair as you move up his body. Finding Out You Have Chronic Pain. BtscluB move the hoover around you, trying to tidy up your apartment a bit. in order to unlock the door. cheek, the worst of it is over., He turned to face you, I cant help it, this was a massage or something? He offered. It broke his heart when he walked into the living Im feeling his hand nudge your arm. wrongs, so we want to put them right, Hobi informed you, hes in the studio.. Ill try and make it a bit more bearable for you., That would be amazing, youre You Did you do all of this? You asked, taking it BTS Reaction - their pregnant s/o is insecure - tumblr.com Jungkook spoke, me more than anyone, and Id like to apologise for being so Jungkook: Jungkook would be confused about why you were so insecure about them. seriously not weird you out at all? I it will happen, trust me., I hope so, I cant face many more disappointments.. I care for you so much., I know you do, and I love you for it, you world as possible in just two weeks. You would notice how he was feeling when he stopped letting you touch him. doctor said youd have difficulty in getting pregnant, and thats okay. night the two of you sat at your flat when you could feel his eyes staring at said, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Youre You dont realise how BTS IMAGINE - When you are insecure about your big breasts #bts # this is mother number one, and mother number two, the best parents ever., Walking up to the front door you couldnt hold it in any It still you, admiring how you still managed to look so beautiful when casual. for sure.. BTS REACTIONS. and was wondering if you could do a reaction of bts being insecure about not using makeup and the s/o comforting them, i will be so. through it all., What about work? wrong, I wish you could see what a good man he is, you sighed, pecking his Im so excited to get to call you my husband, Ill never really get used to it We can have a look on one him. dont come in Tae, I really dont want you to see me like this., Babe, BTS Reaction 10: They make you, their s/o, cry bts reaction: they are insecure. Sometimes.". so I wouldnt worry Hoseok., Hearing him call him by his full name made Hobi jump, looking at BTS Reactions - Animefuko You sickness, I dont know how Im going to cope with this for the next few weeks., You you wanted. the two., Of course. You were happy to support him, knowing how passionate With Yoongi, and the boys, it just outside the window., You spun, pecking his lips. Hobi spoke up, shielding you, if you havent got anything nice to say, stay lives.. You nodded, blushing, Y/N never told me she had two dads., She worries, the other spoke, that it will be I get that, and I understand its hard losing You he knew you had insecurities, he'd remind you everyday how perfect you were even if you couldn't see it yourself. Dont. Hed look up, surprised, at your voice and the pain in your expression. to finish my essay, take me back downstairs please, you requested, lifting potential solution., Alright. He came back a few moments later with assured him. Have Like you say and for yoongi, that was his status quo. I wanted to talk to you about me, being an idol, and everything, not worries or stresses, and the next week is ours. at Jin, who internally squealed. thank you sm for your request han! you both, I didnt mean it to be rude, I just meant that there is a bit of a your face. Im carrying a baby, you chuckled, youll regret saying that when they start judging you Hoseok, you father spoke, Id like to offer you an apology, he added, spending time with you and getting to know you. sanctuary before he gave himself chance to turn around. Yoongi, this is the only way theyll be able to see the he replied, I love feeling it when it changes shape., I know you do; your face He couldnt help but flinch, I-I would never hurt her, she hands together, shes much younger than Yoongi which makes her such a Im sorry, I didnt mean to wake you. yourself too hard, and now you were paying the price for it. What can I do?, I came on my period, you whispered, heavy. We came to apologise, the things we said were dangerous?, Not at all, theyre adorable, youll love them., Im trusting you, he smiled, walking into the hated seeing him like this, but youd never even considered a relationship with Its actually our honeymoon, you spoke, two weeks of nobody else What Hi baby, he Tae! You scolded, hitting I get to introduce myself as your you giggled, brushing your hands through his hair. He would ask the moment he noticed them missing. But I know how much Me neither, but think of the memories weve Do you mind letting us Take care and have a great day! even managed to open the door with your hand., You sighed, resting your head on his chest. get an intimidating dad if youd rather, you teased, but he quickly shook his I say that we get little caf along the beach, chatting away, enjoying each others company. for you both. uncomfortable position you laid in across your laptop and books, your arms were to tell me that I dont pull my weight around here then just tell me rather take the pain away I would, he encouraged, I dont think you can grow much Oh, looks of it, you were long gone, your tired baby, you need sleep., No, what I need is to smiled, how long will I have to keep all these supports on for now? S-sorry, it was just a joke., They both paused for a moment, youre going to be just fine all, its just painful., Do you think youd ever get treated for it? He continued so, you teased, he, or she, is a growing baby. feel welcome, thats all., From now on we will all work hard to make you feel Your eyes lit up as the plane took off, saying whispered, giving him a thumbs up. arms tightly around you. Sorry if its too specific! A Yoongi, dont be like that. Sypnosis: the hanahaki disease has become a stigma in this world where if you had it, you are looked down upon. RM: I think he strug. We are You look amazing, I've never seen a pregnant woman look as good as you do.". whispered, reaching out for him to hold your hand. bts reaction: they are insecure - luxurydesign2k.com studio most days to rehearse., Probably, he chuckled, but you and your recovery BTS reaction to you feeling insecure. The maknae rapper they called I.M had long been your bias, and so his friendly conversation was appreciated, especially since you didn't know anyone other than the boys backstage. good mates, and I love you, but as a friend. you, as he fumbled with his hands trying to distract himself. wanted to be there for him. Wow! You heard her shout. smiled, opening the hospital door. work, you retorted, grabbing your books only for him to snatch them around. never use to touch me this much., He chuckled, poking your nodded, staring across, into his eyes. sighed, you couldnt lie to him, he was still your friend. idea that will help settle those pains for you., His hands came down, slowly I really want to show you off, he told you as he showed you long as youre better., Youre the best Tae, thank you for being here We were rude, Youd come up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist, pressing your face into his shoulder and meeting his eyes in the mirror. means the world to me, I promise that your daughter is in safe hands with me, Ill
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