I know, but- Keefe argued, not accepting Sophies praise. Edaline glared at them and they both looked down in guilt. Thats so sweet. Sophies heart melted, and she couldnt even muster the strength to be mad at him. She shifted her eyes over to where Fitz and Biana were sitting. You prefer the crepes? she questioned, wondering why she hadnt ordered waffles herself. Well, this is happening.. Before she could change her mind, she shoved her face towards his. Sophie turned her head to see her younger brother and sister, Aurnia and Benji, bounce into the room. Hey, guys, Sophie mumbled, face turning fiery red. Maybe he'll listen to you, Tam explained. Are you ok Miss Foster? Sandor asked, shoving Keefe aside. Subtle gold embroidery climbed the neckline and hem. It really was. She felt her heart flutter, the same way it usually did for Fitz. His hair brushed her ear, and she stiffened, sure her cheeks were neon red. What did you buy at the boutique Keefe?. That's when she noticed she was staring at Keefe's handsome face. He wrapped his arms around her waist and squeezed her tight. I don't know how you can stand to be even friends with me, Sophie said softly, her gaze shifting to her shoes. I can blame myself for what my mom does. I guess so. "No worries Foster. All characters belong to Shannon Messenger. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Yeah, Im fine. Keefe leaned sideways and whispered to Sophie, So. what exactly are we supposed to do? She doesn't have a crush on me anymore, and she said she's happy for us. Nothing on this trip had gone perfectly so far, but this moment made all the hard things worth it. Soooo.. Keefe said after a nervous and awkward silence. "Oh be quiet. Yeah, this is for us. Yes, a car accident. Well, they have a lot of farmers markets and fun stores, and fancy restaurants you could go to with your boyfriend, Sophie, Cora said wiggling her eyebrows, Yknow the blonde one, Keefe right?. h, fanficti. Any suggestions on what to do next? Biana asked. They grabbed their carry-ons from the overhead storage and, very slowly, made their way to the exit in a single file line. What took you so long? Dex asked, standing a few feet away with the rest of their friends. Just friends? He just though it sounded good, didnt he? Sophie leaned into his shoulder, surprised at how normal the motion seemed. And those ones over there, to the left, those are Lupus-. Yep! Sophie replied, standing up, Lets go.. Sophie let out a sigh. Well he WAS an Empath. Seems pretty suspicious to me.. 8 letters Chapter 1, a keeper of the lost cities fanfic | FanFiction But something was missing in this picture. She felt better now that they had talked about tit even if it hadnt felt good in the moment. You know me so well! It was filled with millions of stars, almost as many as she was able to see from Havenfield. I cant believe its already so late Sophie remarked, looking up at the night sky. I couldnt care less if you understand human things, what matters it that you tried, okay?. All of that was gone now though, melting away as she closed her eyes. I know yesterday didnt go so well, but I really did want to talk and see if we can make things better between us.. She didnt want to do anything to risk her already shaky relationship with Fitz. I think we need to talk to Biana and Fitz, Sophie took a deep breath, Fitz seems jealous and angry, which honestly isn't too surprising. Without another word, he steered Sophie away, not letting Fitz say another word. Inside, she heard a cheesy pop song from her playlist blasting on the radio. This is just a a short little KOTLC SoKeefe fanfic :) It's staged in the middle of book four of the KOTLC series, where the Keeper Crew is banned from the Lost Cities and are living in Alluveturre, one of the Black Swan's hideouts. I hope we can be friends again later, but right now we both just need to give each other space.. Even though she felt bad about being so harsh, it felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. There was a slight pause in the conversation as they ate the pasta. "Oh hey." Sophie said once she got over the element of surprise. Sophie and Keefes mood on their walk back to their friends felt completely different now than when they had first left to talk. Bye! Sophie flustered and sprinted off down the beach, leaving her friends in the distance. And even if it was your fault, which it isn't in any way, youre worth it Foster. Just then, a doctor came out and took off his surgical mask. This moment couldn't last forever, but Sophie was determined to make it last as long as possible. Biana and Tam ordered pia colada and tigers blood, which turned out to be watermelon, strawberry, and coconut. Syrup and whipped cream dribbled down her chin slightly. The wheels touched the ground softly, as the plane screamed to a slower pace with an ear-shattering rumble. Whats going on?, Well Im just worried. Sorry, its going to be the most private place there, Sophie said with a small cringe. He wrapped his arms around her waist and squeezed her tight. I know you're afraid but I really cannot feel my arm right now, Sophie whispered. Keefe had gotten her the same ring as him. A glimmer of disappointment shined through his eyes. I just dont know how I can stay friends with you if you keep bringing this up, he added coldly, and Sophie finally snapped. I dont want any of your pity. Ill probably end up adding some song parodies for some events and characters in the series too. Everyone all complained, but agreed that he needed rest in the end. Sophie was curled up against the wall cuddling with a small gray elephant that Edaline recognized as Ella (AKA Sophie's sleep buddy she had slept with since she was like, 5). + Hey, were over here! Sophie waved, calling Cora over. I am sorry about the ultimatum. Take my jacket shirt thing. Sophie Im sorry I just wanted to-, Protect me? Do you mean that you and Keefe- he was cut off by Cora, who addressed Sophie, Youre not making any sense to the rest of us, so we would appreciate it if you started explaining., Fine, she replied, hoping that this would be over quickly, at the very least, Uh. Can I talk to you? You are awesome, and sweet, and a great person. Umm, okay. Sophie strolled over to the boys suite. Keefe had just come back from a one on one conversation with the Neverseen(a cold blooded group of murderers intent on harming Sophie and her friends) and he hadnt told her where he was going until it was too late. She hadnt touched it since, figuring there would be a time for it eventually. It seemed completely natural for her to just lean her head against his shoulder and relax and just talk. I'm glad you did. The wow factor is high! Just then, Sophie notice a lone figure walking down the beach, looking around. Gathering all their chosen outfits, the girls went to the front of the store to check out. Sophie blushed as she asked, What? Keefe smiled. It had small straps and was about knee length. Fighting to stay awake Sophie struggled to get out of Keefe's tight hold, only to realize he had fallen asleep holding onto her, and by the looks of it, he wasn't letting go any time soon. Sophie felt her mind stretch as she imagined the airport, and the next thing everyone knew, they had landed in a small clearing several blocks away from the entrance. In front of her was a dazzling display of food and finery. Shaking her head, Sophie pulled upThe Lady and the Tramp. You do realize none of us believe you, right? Marella said, So just tell us. Do boyfriends and girlfriends talk to each other about personal problems? Keefe isnt my boyfriend. As the plane squeaked to a stop, the seatbelt sign disappeared. It wasnt fear, or jealousy, for once she didnt mind Fitz ignoring her. But seriously, he continued, Im glad you finally stood up for yourself., Me too. she replied, But I should probably check in with Biana now that I basically shut down my friendship with her brother.. Really? Blog Home Uncategorized sokeefe cuddling fanfiction. I can accept that. I don't want to have this conversation again Keefe, but I think we have to, she answered finally. Sokeefe Fanfic - Collection - Fanfiction Online Biana seems happy for us and over her crush on you, but I still think we should talk to her along with Fitz just in case she isn't fine.. She pulled her friend aside during a trip to the beach, asking if they could talk. That makes sense, should we go do that now? She asked, cringing at the thought of the conversation. Sophie sighed, unconsciously snuggling Keefe more in the process. I just don't feel that way about you.. You messed up majorly, and sometimes theres no going back to how things used to be., I know, I know. This was so sweet of you.. Is something supposed go on top of spaghetti? Keefe asked, his cheeks neon red now. Good. Were not exactly going to blend in with the humans, and we have to take an airplane. Keefe stepped away in shock, at a loss for words. For one, youre not a Pyrokinetic whose power broke him as well as hurting the ones he loved the most. Yes, yes I can. Something Sophie just couldnt put her finger on. She grinned, her eyes sparkling, I'm Cora! The story is done, but any feedback would still be appreciated. Im sure that Biana will be totally cool with it, but you should talk to her at some point. You might need something nice to wear, she finished with a smile. This is just a a short little KOTLC SoKeefe fanfic :) It's staged in the middle of book four of the KOTLC series, where the Keeper Crew is banned from the Lost Cities and are living in Alluveturre, one of the Black Swan's hideouts. Together, the eight of them walked over to the cliffside, held hands, and jumped. She was too excited he was actually ALIVE, to feel anything but relief and joy. If I wouldve known sooner. He registered Biana and Linh's faces as he slowly realized the predicament he had gotten them into. The party started to the baggage claim, the human girl still close behind. As Sophie ran to greet them, she noticed the sparkly teal suitcases, there had to be at least ten. Id say Im a pretty bad influence on you. Sophie hurriedly packed her suitcase, wishing she had started packing a little sooner. You see that one? Agh, Im sorry, this wasnt how it was supposed to go. What do we want to tell people about us? he asked, sounding serious for once, After all, theyre not as oblivious as you, so theyre bound to know somethings up.. Her insides were butterflies with excitement for the trip with her friends. #sophiefoster Ready? she said expectantly, looking around at the group. Keefe its okay. Sophie lay in the soft white sand, relaxing to the sound of the crystal blue waves crashing against the shore. Im glad youve come to the same conclusion I did., Yeah, me too. This flight is like 6 hours.. And you already know Fitz and Biana of course. Sophie pointed to each person in turn. Whats there to talk about? I wanted to make sure it was accurate to the movie, Keefe answered matter-of-factly as Sophie let out a laugh. She was sure she didn't breathe for at least a minute. Sophie is only about to be seventeen and finds out the reason she can hear people's thoughts is that she's an elf. They turned back toward the hotel and started back. (as the title says) There'll be some one-shots on ships, some on characters, and just one shots :), Random KotLC Theories, Short Stories and Stuff, The Academy of Good & Bad | KOTLC Custom AU, Keeper of the Lost Cities- The Next Generation, Includes a bunch of other characters I forgot. But as long as we can be together, I dont care at all what the world thinks. When his plate had arrived, Sophie could swear his eyes got twice as big looking at the giant breakfast in front of him. So it surprised Sophie when Keefe quieted down, stopping for a moment. I still want to be friends with you, and right now, this just feels awkward. Ooh, did you take a picture? Biana asked, and Sophie wondered if she was genuinely asking, or if she just wanted to find out what really happened. It doesnt get much better than that. When he finally reclined on a beach chair near Sophie, she decided to interrogate him on where he had gone until dinner time. Dyou remember what I told you when you first said you were unmatchable?. Youre with Keefe now, not me. Okay, ready? This place is the best, Biana commented, sitting up. Ill explain in a minute just come with me, Keefe said as he pulled her away toward the town. Sophie ran to catch up to Fitz, tapping his shoulder to grab his attention. Uh Im gonna go get some human candy from the gift shop for us. The words Keefe were about to say disappeared, pulled into the void along with all of her concerns. The only way out now was to tell the truth. Where is he actually? Updates will be random. She locked up those thoughts in a corner of her brain to deal with later, like she had done with the others. My Boyfriend?! It was the dress she had bought during Bianas shopping spree several days ago. Then, all of a sudden, her bedroom door burst open. Where did you get that scar? Cora asked suspiciously, looking at the stab wound that Dimitar had given Keefe during their spar. He was her friend, teasing and joking with her. Keefe grinned a warm and slightly relieved smile. Ive put you in more dangerous situations than I can count. #quarantine Sophie was more than happy to wait. A slight steam drifted off the food as Keefe served them both spaghetti on one large plate. Im not that oblivious! He gave her a half smile, and she couldn't hold it in any longer. It's a pretty big surprise, kind of a memento for everyone of this trip. #butwerecongnates She, of course, has a person in mind Sophie Foster, and her adoptive cousin, Dexter Dizznee, are about to go to the Academy of Good & Bad. After taking the elevator up to their floor, Sophie and Keefe split up to their respective rooms to get their sweaters. The gold accents twinkled, and sh just knew she had made the right decision in buying it. Dont worry about him, okay?. Promise never to do that again, it was torture waiting to publish this story that I had written literally days before you guys even hit ten reads. The Kotlc gang has grown up and have kids of their own, and while the Neverseen may be gone, danger is ever-present. Not wanting to make more of a scene, or give Marella and Cora another reason to tease her, Sophie simply vowed to ask Keefe about it later. But its best not to question things when the person youre talking to knows how to make your hair turn green. #alwaysopentosuggestionsorcomments SO-KEEFE :3 Fan fiction! - Fun Fandom KotLC Wiki I wish I couldve seen the look on his face! Yeah, youre right. I actually prefer the waffles, so we could switch if you wanted to.. Its not your fault. Linh was in the process of changing, though she had needed to run down to the gift shop to buy a swimsuit. By this time tomorrow well be on the plane back to San Francisco, so today was our last chance for us to be truly alone together. It's amazing, Sophie breathed. She was surprised that Fitz hadnt told anyone about their argument, not even his own sister. We didnt take that long! Biana protested, Right Sophie? Sophie stood silent, zoned out and staring puzzled at her friends. Truth or Dare/Sleepover A SoKeefe fan fiction story This is a fan fic I have made about the Keeper team getting together for a sleepover and playing some games, leading to spilled tea and mild drama. Ok I agree. You sound unhappy. Wow. Bet youre glad you didnt take me up on that bet now, arent you? Cora whispered to Marella, and Sophie couldnt help but laugh at her friends antics. But if you say youre just friends, then okay. Cora continued, stopping only when Keefe walked up. Hope you enjoy!!! But I dont want to lose our friendship forever, and I hope youll accept my apology. Fitz finished with a sigh, looking down. But for now, just be happy. Keefe said, and Sophie nodded, finally letting herself relax for the first time on this vacation. Can Keefe stay here? She didnt know what Fitz was going to say, but he seemed sincere. I'm not sure who's it is. It was beautiful and unique, but not flashy. Was I supposed to? Keefe answered quizzically. Arent you forgetting something? He asked, waving a bright blue elephant in a Hawaiian shirt in the air. Tam brushed his bangs over his face as the rest of the group smiled, causing even more people to gawk at them. It does sounds kinda bad when you put it that way. She replied, but went on when she saw the dejected look on Keefes face. Their lips touched, and she heard Keefe squeak, not that different from what Dex had done during her first kiss. We kissed. She buried her face in her hands, not ready to face everyones reactions. Yessss! Biana exclaimed. Where have you been? So were Keefe and her like boyfriend and girlfriend? As they strolled down the road, Keefe stopped. This would have also been embarrassing and made her turn red like crazy but right now she didn't care. "Goodnight, Foster." , Keefe mumbled. Sophie pulled Keefe aside once again as the group continued back to the hotel to discuss what to do that day. That everything was still normal. SoKeefe One Shots Chapter 28: Lighthouse, a keeper of the lost cities Fitzphie shippers- a DO NOT READ. Once again, Sophie was left speechless. Hey guys! Instead, she turned back to her already melting shave ice, and vowed to just enjoy her vacation. Keefe Sencen is terrified. Remembering what she needed to talk to him about, she regained focus, her smile disappeared. Sophie almost snorted as she laughed, nodding her head. The Lost Cities are finally restored to peace, the Neverseen defeated, the rebels caught, and the bad erased. is badger collectibles legit; sony cd player keeps ejecting disc; visa gift card check balance Menu Toggle. When Grady and I got married. Thanks. A few weeks later, Sophie realized something that turns her world upside down. Bye, Keefe said quickly as he ran off. Why wouldnt everything be okay? People aren't who they say they are. She was currently sitting at her vanity, getting her hair fixed up by Biana and Linh while Marella, Edaline, and Vertina (yes, she still kept Vertina) did her makeup. The day the twins were born, Sophie, Keefe, Sandor, and Ro were in the waiting room, Sophie's thumbs were twiddling and then after a few minutes of that, she would stand up to pace. The gentle shade of a palm tree loomed over Sophie and Biana, who were sitting on the beach near their hotel. (Cover art is not mine) The List of Triangles 56 pages 3 days ago Cheryl She knew the homework was due tomorrow, but he felt so warm and nice and before she knew it, she had already given in to the temptation of Keefe's distractingly warm arms around her. Okay, okay, I get it. That's good, Sophie replied, I think Edaline will be at least ok with it, if not happy about it., Yeah, there is one problem though. But when her sanity is shattered under the mental weight of he. Sophie felt a small twinge of jealousy in her stomach, but not as much as usual. "No. Those stars, those are Centaurus. I get that youre trying to be nice and all, but its coming off pretty harsh. He draped his arm around Sophies shoulders protectively. Rated M because of stuff in the beginning. Hey are you guys almost ready for the beach? She asked with a sigh. Just then, Keefe sauntered over to the group, holding a very full looking shopping bag. I didn't want to cancel the whole trip so here I am. She winked. Thanks for calling out Fitz back there, he really needed that. She closed her eyes, her mind finally at rest enough to relax. Bianas approval made her heart feel even lighter, the recognition meaning more to her than she wouldve ever guessed. He didn't mind that she was messing up his hair. Youre so lucky. Keefes cheeks flushed with a twinge of red as he whispered back, Sorry, this is just weird. For Day 4 of HitchLowe Week 2023; Cuddling/Comfort. Yep. That's why I got it. I decided to get everyone rings, since we all have plenty of other jewelry, and I still wanted to get something to remember this awesome trip, Keefe started, walking closer to his friends, Biana, Fitz and your rings are amazonite, which is teal. she yelled, grabbing his upper forearms with her hands. It felt really warm and safe under that tree. The intro credits began to play as the plane took off, and Sophie settled in for the many hours to come. Stay with me." His heart leaped, no matter how much she assured him that she's in love with him, every time she said something like this his heart felt more full. These are my friends, Keefe, Dex, Marella, Linh and Tam. It wasn't good. Dex, Marella, and Fitz all ordered single flavors; blue raspberry, root beer, and vanilla respectively. Yeah, we saw a turtle, and we didnt want to scare it away, but it was blocking our path so we had to wait for it to go away.. I was the maid of honor at Marlowe's wedding, so I know exactly what's going to happen," she snapped back. I'm sorry I brought that up, Keefe said softly, That wasn't fair of me. It seemed even more magical now, in the warm light of the room, than it had before. You're welcome Foster, Keefe said with a forced smile. At least Keefe was stuck . Please, have a seat, he offered, helping her onto one of the plush cushions scattered across the clearing. Sophie sighed. Keefe butted in, his perfect hair running in Sophie's face. The torso was beaded and I gotta say, she looked spectacular. It's not you, its me, she continued, cringing at the clich line, You are an amazing person and I could spend a lot of time listing the reasons why, but I'm sorry. We were We saw a sea turtle! Keefe blurted out, and Sophie resisted the urge to facepalm at his bad acting. I mean, kinda Sophie trailed off. Sophie, not bothering to play along, said "I already know your voice Keefe, and you ruined the surprise by calling me Foster, you're the only one that calls me that anyway. And just when she finally figures it all out, her world spins out of control as a new chaos spreads around the Lost Hello! cooper neurology cherry hill phone number; on the beach advert 2021. why did john hopkins leave midsomer; japanese motorcycle importers australia; december 1999 calendar There were a lot of trials to come with matchmaking and less difficult, but still incredibly trying, with Grady. Biana scowled, elbowing Fitz and knocking him back a step and into the suitcases. And that's not all- Alden Vacker- someone who'd been looking for her's mind is broken. Yeah, it doesnt look much like a centaur. keefoster sophiefoster keeperofthelostcities +16 more # 5 Twirling-SoKeefe by evangeline 245 0 6 All of these characters and settings belong to Shannon Messenger! This is really good, no wonder you ordered it. Sophie couldnt believe he preferred the crepe to the waffles, which she already wanted more of. I wasnt actually cold, but I could tell you were, and I knew you wouldnt go back to the hotel unless we both needed something. Maybe we should talk to them separately though, I don't Fitz is very happy with me right now it might be best if I talk to Biana and you talk to Fitz, Keefe suggested. Madly, Sophie said with an obvious eye roll. It definitely wasn't, the words were barely audible but they made all the difference. It was all worth it though, when Sophie received the detention slip from her Polyglot mentor and opened the door of the detention room, to see a smirking boy with eyes so blue, they seemed to see right to her soul. Fitz took a little bit longer to reply. Keefe sat, pulling Sophie down with him until she was sprawled in his lap comfortably. Did I hear my name? Keefe didn't return for over an hour after she had asked Dex where he was. It didnt mean anything that Keefe had chosen the same flavor, did it? Having a photographic memory really comes in handy sometimes. That hasnt changed. Check. She's been known too, ah, cause 'problems' with her 'clumsiness', in CONTAINS SPOILERS Sophie Foster is confused. Fitz and Biana sat across the aisle, next to a pretty human girl absorbed in her book. She cleared her throat and bit her lip, a debate going on in her head. I have a photographic memory though, so at least I have some mental pictures. Sophie replied, trying to phrase her words in a way that wouldnt make Cora suspicious. Hey people! Good for you. Biana took Sophies hand and walked her back to their group of friends. Sophie plopped down on the sand, feeling the warmth of the heat seeping into the sand from the sun. Biana returned carrying a soft, wispy dress. "Well, I can't wait for you two to officially be in the wedding," Sophie said, pulling them over in front of her to get a real good look at them. It wasn't your fault- really, Keefe said when she looked away, It was really mine and Fitzs, we could've made the choice to not let it come between us. The one where we, yknow Sophie started talking to Dex, figuring this would be the least embarrassing way to spill the news. More episodes to come! Keefe smiled at her, the kind of grin that lit up his entire face and made her smile with him. sokeefe cuddling fanfiction For the last time, this is wonderful. Join them in this classic SoKeefe story, and read about heartache, laughter, jealousy and love. She didn't see Keefe yet, so she ducked in more, just to see him styling his hair as he lip synced into his comb. Sophie Foster/Keefe Sencen - Works | Archive of Our Own It was perfect. Lady Cadence was one of her toughest mentors yet, and she had made it clear from their first meeting that she wasn't exactly Sophie's biggest fan. Or is our status as Cognates finally important enough to pay attention to? Sophie could already tell this wasnt going to end well, but she had to at least try. What will happen to Fitz? Im just looking out for you guys. But even if they suspect something, I dont think nows the best time to tell everyone. Sophie looked up and down at the dress incredulously. She would deal with them when she had time. Chapter 2 ( spoiler: SOME SERIOUS SO-KEEFE SNUGGLES) "Keefe!", Fitz and Sophie cried in unison. Back in San Diego, even before the fires, the light pollution had made it near impossible to see any stars at all. Stay with me." His heart leaped, no matter how much she assured him that she's in love with him, every time she said something like this his heart felt more full. He quieted down as he dug into the lemon and sugar dusted deliciousness, leaving Sophie grinning at his exuberance. Three Two One! As he counted down, everyone prepared to open their gifts, and when he hit one, they all looked inside the black boxes. Actually, I do know some star names better than you,, Well, Im guessing you dont know human constellations very well, do you? she grinned, pointing out several stars. They crashed together, nearly falling in a heap, and they were so busy untangling themselves that it took several seconds for them to realize that they had made it to their friends. UPDATE: Keefes thoughts chapter. Cool, Ive kind of always wanted to try this iPod thingy, He said with a grin. But, in that moment, the world seemed to sit still just for them. Thats not a healthy relationship, and if you cant acknowledge that, then I dont want to keep trying to be friends when Im the only one putting in any effort. Whatever you want Foster. Across the aisle, Sophie could tell that the human girl was talking to Fitz and Biana, and she was glad that they werent freaking out like Keefe was. She and Keefe had been dating for three months now, and almost every day since then he had made it his personal mission to distract her whenever possible, especially when she was doing homework. After a few seconds, she started to realize just how long the strand of pasta was. It's all my fault. Keefes voice cracked at the last part. Sophie looked down at her own ring, which also glittered a perfect shade of ice blue. I wanted to do something nice to commemorate our last full day here.
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